"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made" / YAE Devo - Day 2

Today I want to comfort your heart with a set of verses that not only speak over your true identity in Christ, being fearfully and wonderfully made in the perfect image of God, but also illustrate, to us, a picture of how we are PURPOSEFULLY made.

“For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well. My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:13-16‬ ‭HCSB

From the start, God knew you and loved you. He made you fearfully and wonderfully. When He created us, He set us apart as the brightest, clearest mirrors of His own creativity. We’re made to be able to love and experience God intimately.
From the very beginning, God knew you. Before you were even a thought in this world, He knew exactly what qualities and traits you would have. He knew what your name would be and who your parents would be and where you would grow up. He knew where you would be at what time and how you would get there. He knows you inside and out; how many hairs are on your head, what burdens you, what breaks your heart, what brings you joy. He knows who your soulmate is, and where you’ll go in life.
He knew what greatness you were destined for & what purpose you held- even before you existed on this earth and that’s because He created you with a divine purpose in mind. You, specifically. The God of the universe looked at the world and knew that it needed one of YOU at this very exact time and moment because you have something to offer this world that nobody else does. He not only created you fearfully and wonderfully, but He created you purposefully. And not just to be purposeful in one, far away season of life, but in every season and every moment.
And so in the midst of trials and seasons of waiting when we have no idea what the heck God is doing or why going through what we are, we can find comfort in the fact that God is doing something in our lives that will one day paint a picture of redemption to someone who needs to see it.
You can find refuge in the truth that God always has and always will have a plan for your life.
We can so often get caught up in these temporary worries that the enemy uses to distract us from our true purposes. We so often doubt God’s goodness for our futures because we are scared that they won’t turn out the way we want them to.
So today I encourage you to seek God & His goodness- and in that, not only will He reveal to you everything in perfect timing, but as you fall in love with Him more, you will begin to see how vast His faithfulness is and how shallow our worries are compared to His glory & His great plans for our lives. Today I urge you to look back at scripture in the midst of your uncertainty and doubt or whatever it may be: looking at you life with fresh eyes, knowing that He sat and He dreamed you up and lovingly created and crafted every single thing about you (even the parts that you hate). He drew up your personality and your quirks. He placed people and places and seasons in your life, ones you love, ones you hate, but all for a specific reason; an intricate recipe that amounts to His perfect plan for each of us. He created this miraculous and amazing plan for YOU because He loves you and because He knew that the world needed an one of YOU.
So today, take heart in knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully and purposefully made. I think we so often focus on verses 13-15, that we forget all about 16. We know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made but we completely forget that we are made purposeful. We glance over the fact that God has already planned our beginnings our ends and everything in between. We forget that all of the dry seasons and the rough waters and the tall mountains and the low valleys are not only wrapped tightly in grace, but are a part of His plans for us. A plan that is blanketed in promise and hope if only we choose to look from the right perspective. We forget that, no matter how stormy our circumstances may seem, that there is sunshine and victory waiting for us in the other side. We let worry and anxiety rule in our hearts because we dwell over the uncertainty that our futures hold.. but we forget that they days ahead of us are promised to be good because they are held in the hands of a Good father who sees and knows us.
Heavenly Father, today I thank you for your love and your grace and your intricate and purposeful planning of my life. I thank you that I am not only fearfully and wonderfully made, but purposefully made as well. I pray that I would live my life in light of the well thought out plan and specific, perfect purpose that you have for my life. In your loving name I pray, amen.
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